Creating your own personal blog. (A free DIY guide)

This is something golden, the basis on which this very blog was built. If the guides are followed painstakingly, you should have your blog up and running in a maximum of a 12hours, yes, 12 hours.

Hey there, good evening, welcome to the Blog Set Up 101, class begins in the next paragraph.

Things To Note.
  • We'll be using Google's Blogspot platform.
  • You don't need to have any programming knowledge to pull this off.
  • Can be done with a phone, easier using a PC or laptop.
With that out of the way, I would proceed to put to you dear reader that this comes in series, but fret not, I have written all already, hence you don't have to wait for parts. You only have to read about every part in different posts, as will be accordingly linked sequentially in this parent post. Let's go.

1. Open Blog
The first thing to be done is to open shop, and by that, I mean open your blog, let's kickstart that which is quite simple in few steps.

Open Shop Tutorial

2. Customize The Blog Details
After opening the shop to the public, customization begins, so they don't come over only to find that it doesn't seeming like you don't have a grip of things, if that happens, they may just start doubting if you really own the blog.

Customize Blog Details Tutorial

3.  Basic Theme Edits
In this part, we'll apply desired changes to the blog's theme, and even with no prior coding/web designing knowledge, this is a very easy run.

Basic Theme Edits Tutorial

4. Setting Up A Custom Domain Name
This is totally OPTIONAL. If you have no desire or no budget for yet, you can totally skip this part. But in a case whereby you want your own custom website address(e.g:, you should delve right into this tutorial already.

Custom URL SetUp Tutorial

And with all of the above, taken care of, gentlemen and ladies, I dare say your blog is ready to go. Let the publishing begin!

If you have any questions, maybe something you feel I missed or that you just aren't getting, drop a comment here or in any of the posts linked herein. Happy blogging! ðŸ™‚


I know I'm supposed to write something absolute here bla bla bla, but I'm busy designing, all I want to say his, let's grow together, like couples with genuine love or something.... I don't know...


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