How to give your blogspot blog a custom domain name

One of the reasons I actually prefer Blogspot to is that unlike, you do not need to upgrade to no paid plan before you can give your blog a .com/.net or any other top-level domain (TLD) name.

Hey there, good evening, today, I'll walk you through how you can set up your .com domain name to be directed to your .blogspot blog. The main case study is Goddady. Then Domain King.

If you have your domain name under another registrar, try finding similar steps, but if that doesn't work out, just drop a comment and I will help out.

The first step is if you do not have your custom domain name yet, go buy one now. Using Godaddy or  Domain King or any other registrar of your choice.

For Registering Domain Names, I trust DomainKing.NG

After that login to your account on the host site and go to products. In the case of Goddady - here's the link.
You should be seeing your own name.ext (e.g domain name, click DNS. (when it opens, leave the tab open)

Open a new tab. Now go to, once your dashboard opens, click settings from the menu that's in the left pane, and you should get something like this:
Right there in the menu that shows up on the right pane, under publishing click + Set up a third-party URL for your blog - and go ahead to enter the custom domain name you acquired earlier on.
After entry, click save.

You'll see an error with two CNAMEs.
  • Name, Label or Host: Enter the name as the subdomain, like "blog." or "www." For destination, enter ""
  • Destination, Target or Points to: This is different for each person and is specific to your blog and your Google Account. - Source
From ShoutMeLoud

Well, actually, that error is good news, go on to our tab we left opened earlier, the one with the DNS page.

Delete any record you see there, then add new (CNAME).

Under "Name, Label or Host," type www.Under "Destination, Target or Points to," type ""
Enter details for the second CNAME, which are specific to your blog and Google Account. As shown in the error you got from your blogger dashboard earlier.
When done saving the CNAME records. Go back to the page wherein you entered your domain name on blogger and got the error, save again, and this time, it will save.
Wait for at least an hour (max) for your DNS settings to activate.  Then you can start accessing your domain via your very own custom address.

To ensure your domain (example: leads to when typed in that way, set up a naked redirect.

Open your DNS settings, as shown earlier.

Add four A-records which point to Google IPs.

Select the blog you want to update.

On the left, click Settings and then Basic.

Under "Publishing," under "Blog Address," check Redirect [ to]. 

Edit of Excerpt from Official Support Page From Google
How it should look when you are done.

If on the other hand, you bought your domain name via Domain King. ðŸ‘‡

Simply visit while you're logged in.
Then scroll to My domains, once you see your domain, click Manage this domain as represented by an icon highlighted in the image below by the far right.
Then on the page that opens, scroll down and find under management tools the DKNG Quick Blogger Installer (Beta) button as highlighted below. Click it.
Then follow the prompts you see and save, all you'll need to fill, are two little boxes. Read Domain King's Official Article On It.

And by now, dear friend, you have successfully set up your custom domain running smoothly with your Blogspot blog.

This post was written using my knowledge, extract from the link below and a visual aid from SML treating the same topic.
Got any issues? let me know, and don't hide your success story either ðŸ™‚. 


I know I'm supposed to write something absolute here bla bla bla, but I'm busy designing, all I want to say his, let's grow together, like couples with genuine love or something.... I don't know...

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