5 WordPress Essentials You Should Be Using.

Good morning. Today, I'll be making known to you 5 essential things that as a blogger on the WordPress platform, you shouldn't miss having/using. Let go straight to the point.

1.) WordPress App
This is a must have for all, available for all screens. It makes writing easier with seemingly no distractions. It's fast, lightweight and extremely resourceful. It doesn't consume unnecessary data and it's fit to deliver a good blog post.

Download WordPress APP

2.) Anti-Spam
It would be one hell of a mistake to set off at running your WordPress blog without having an Anti-Spam system set up, it will be disastrous. As bots will endlessly flood your comment forms, Yes! WordPress ain't Google blogger, the script doesn't by default handle spams. Hence, the reason why you should head over to the plugin section, add new, and search for the keyword "spam". There are tons of options to choose from there. Which plugin I'd recommend? Stop Spammers.

3.) Newsletter
Now it has been proven over time that conversion of your viewers to subscribers is a great way to retain them and engage them better! And also it's one of the best ways to sell, and in turn, earn. So if you don't have a newsletter system up and running yet, you are missing out on a great deal, you are actually wasting funds.

This also can be done via the use of a plugin, there is a lot of them available. Just head on to the plugin section, add new, search the keyword newsletter, choose which tickles your fancy. That which I use? Mail Poet.

4. Statistics
There's no more dangerous thing than flying blind. And that's what you'll be doing if you're running your blog without having detailed statistics if how well you're are doing in terms of page views and more daily.
There are a number of good ways to get around this, you can connect your Google analytics account using a plugin, and also are their other plugin that does the job well. Just hit the plugin resort and add new. That which I use? K-Stat.

5. SEO
The yield of adverts are temporal, but SEO when rightly done, is permanent.
Simply put, no SEO is done right, no search engine rank is going to go right. (not that SEO is all that you need to rank right)
Yes, SEO is one big thing but can get pretty basic when you have the right tools. Like that which will guide you through every post. E.g Yoast  SEO plugin, the one I use. You can't go wrong if you follow the prompts given by the plugin as you create posts, and with time you'd be seeing changes in your ranking at a specific keyword. I don't know about others but the downside of Yoast is it doesn't work with the WordPress App, and sometimes give some plugins issues.

And that's people, there you have it. 5 essentials to spice up your blogging experience. Enjoy.



I know I'm supposed to write something absolute here bla bla bla, but I'm busy designing, all I want to say his, let's grow together, like couples with genuine love or something.... I don't know...


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