Basic Blog Theme Edit

In this post I'd be talking about how to edit the basic blogger templates, not custom stuff, let get started.

First off, as usual, log in to your blogger dashboard and click THEME now the screen you see next should look like this:
Here you can choose a separate theme for your blog' mobile version, edit the main blog theme XML codes, and handle some other simple setting.

- Changing Mobile Version Theme: In the above image, you'll see two screenshots, one wider than the other, the wide one has the header: Live On Blog and the other Mobile. To change the mobile theme, click the settings icon under the Mobile screenshot and next screen should appear with a pop up like this:
Now choose your desired theme and save.

- Choosing Desktop view for Mobile: I in particular always use this option, it actually allows for a more cool display on mobile screens like it does on PC and mobile users will be able to access all your widgets unlike the normal mobile view where 80% at least of your gadgets won't show, this setting is enabled on this blog too.

To enable this setting, follow the step I had earlier stated in how to change your mobile version theme, just that this time, you won't be choosing a different template, but clicking No. show desktop template on mobile devices. as highlighted in the below screenshot, then save.
NB: This option is not suitable for all templates (especially custom themes), after enabling, visit your blog with a mobile phone to see if it displays right.

- Template Options: To set template options like Background image/color, layout, font styles and more, you should click Customize under Live on blog screenshot. The page that opens should look like this:
Are you familiar with HTML, CSS, XML already? Then you may want to toy with the template some bit and do some tweaking, maybe add a widget, just click the Edit HTML button under live on blog screenshot, and fire away!

And that's it for Basic theme edit on blogger, happy editing.


I know I'm supposed to write something absolute here bla bla bla, but I'm busy designing, all I want to say his, let's grow together, like couples with genuine love or something.... I don't know...

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