Why the switch to Cirphrank.com?

Hmmm, well, I'm not going to make it appear like I am copying my boss who moved a switched a domain name as unique as geek.ng for doncaprio.com, no that's not the case.

I am not doing copy-copy o... why the face? I'm just shy.

Well, that did influence my decision a tiny little bit. But what really made me pull the plug on techng.review and go through the stress of resetting my analytics and many other 3rd party tools I've integrated on this website, the likes of HubSpot and more is really you. Yes, YOU.

Over time, the complaints I have been receiving is that a number of you guys can't access my blog. A quick look into that helped make me realize that those that can't access the blogs are Glo users, and for reasons best known to them, though their network can be a pain maker, they still use it to browse (in fairness to them, their network is okay in few zones). Now, turns out I was losing the privilege of being of service to a good number of you simply because my lair can't be accessed on a Glo network.

The complaints were tiring and were giving me sleepless nights.

That you may say is not really my fault, but in a way, wouldn't it turn out to be if  I had a way to fix this but would rather just sit and do nothing? Well, I am of the opinion that it would.

After enough brooding and sober time from the thought of what it would cost me, not really the monetary aspect, but that the purchase of a new domain name now would mean the parking of it in the stead of the one that I've built upon form two years, that has backlinks and authority definitely more than a newbie domain name, and many other techs "jargons" I should really not start bothering you with.

Well, I consequently decided to go Spartan on the thing. Braved up!

Well, I decided that the switch was worth it. For listening to you is my #1 priority, it's how I've always improved and built beautiful pieces, plus there's a bonus to it, I could just go ahead and secure my name now in the .com space and stop making people have this confused feeling when they arrive at Cirphrank's personal blog only to find that it is with an entirely different URL, though not personality.

So here I bring to you, the hopefully ultimate end to all the switches, www.cirphrank.com - code&poetry.

Tell one to tell another, to tell yet another, for I need you to get things on track! And oh, be on the lookout for a giveaway!

Albeit, this change will only work for some but not all. If you know of anyone still having issues accessing this website or you when you are on the Glo network, please, kindly use a VPN.

VPN for Android - Or use opera mini (would not load the site beautifully though)
VPN for PC Install Windscibe in your Chrome Browser, as an extension. Or google search and download it.

And that's it with the update on things for this morning, what do you think?


I know I'm supposed to write something absolute here bla bla bla, but I'm busy designing, all I want to say his, let's grow together, like couples with genuine love or something.... I don't know...

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