Why and how to use floating share buttons

Okay people, if for some reason(s) you had not realized that I love food, well, breaking news! I love food! That's why this cover art has no social icons floating around but a cake that has been/is being shared.

Speaking of news, a news is not a news if no one knows about it, and one of the ways to achieve creating awareness is by sharing... I could go on and on like a very spiritual guru on this telling you of how there is love in sharing and that the Bible says the greatest commandment is love... only for you to eventually realize that the bottom line is what my title already yelled in your face.

Let's face it, even if you don't have any form of share buttons on your website yet, you'd admit that it is actually essential and that even you need it, not just your audience. So in the below short list, I shall point out to you why you should use floating share buttons on your website.

Just in case you do not know what floating share buttons are, they are those share buttons that are fixed, they don't leave the screen even when you've scrolled past where the started, e.g: as shown in this screenshot. 
Why use floating share buttons?

1. They don't change the aim, rather they enforce it better.
The aim of share buttons is to put you out there, your works, contents. Well, the thing is, floating share buttons don't actually change that, rather, they even make that more possible. for unlike traditional share buttons that leave the screen when you scroll past their position, these ones stick, and not many can ignore what's literally staring in their face all time.

2. Better UI/UX (User Interface/Experience) 
There's this thing about a site's look when it's got style, smooth beauty! and that's what floating share buttons literally give you when you use them, there's this luxury they attach to your website's value when a visitor comes to your site and sees such a cool function they don't see on every website. They may even think it costs money to implement when all it actually takes is just some lines of code. 

It helps make more attractive your user interface and consequently your user experience, no one likes to stress, when they realize they don't need to scroll up to the start of a post or bottom every time they want to make a share, but that the buttons are always with them, waiting by the side, it will boost your ratings in their minds and talks.

How to use floating share buttons.
Well, when one does not do something properly, even if it's a good thing, the result always turns out bad.

I only go by two personal guides when I'm implementing floating share buttons on any site;
  1. Don't do it for mobile views.
  2. Don't overload your website with codes doing it.

Why those two? Well, to me, the major things I consider when setting up a website is mobile responsiveness and speed.

If you use too many codes implementing floating share buttons, which is an easy trap for anyone to fall into when you decide to build the function from scratch, you'd most likely have broken a web design ethic which I love, minification. Not sure that's how pros would call it😂, but the point is to achieve the result with as little number of codes as possible.

I personally use third parties, though some will even end up making your sites heavier, you just have to choose carefully. Personally, I'm using Addtoany, that link will take you to the page with codes you can choose from, host them on your website and boom, the buttons are live. Below is the one I'm using.
Why did I choose that one? of all the codes on the page. Answer: because it is responsive!The first line clearly tells the code to stay inactive if the screen size is less than 900px in width and in any case that you need telling, no mobile phone is that wide.

This brings us to me explaining why I wrote that you should not do it for mobile devices, I have never seen any well-designed website whose mobile version runs a floating share bar (mind you, everyone's definition of well designed varies). No one has ever really said it but for, I'm a minimalist by default, but I take that even a notch up when it comes to designing for mobile devices, remove as many elements as possible. floating share buttons is only good for PC views because there's enough space on the screen for them to seamlessly fit into(that's if you haven't agglutinated your page with lots of unnecessary elements).

 Unlike PC, mobile devices don't really come with that luxury even on the 6 inches biggies, there's a whole lot displaying on the screen already, adding floating share buttons won't actually do the ideal job in this case but rather choke your contents, no space for them to breathe, and when that happens, your audience starts have bad user experience and consequently flags your user interface as awry in their mind, and that's bad for business, branding.

If you are not a web developer, to implement floating share buttons on your website, contact your web developer or take to me in the comments or via email and I'll guide you through the steps.

And it is on that note that I bring to you ladies and gentlemen, the humble end to today's treat on sharing. Remember there's love in sharing and my share buttons are waiting!


I know I'm supposed to write something absolute here bla bla bla, but I'm busy designing, all I want to say his, let's grow together, like couples with genuine love or something.... I don't know...

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