How To Make Payments On Facebook Business With Any Naira MasterCard

This is a post dating to two years back but has been updated herein links and images.

A problem I read website/blog owners complain of most on my timelines is issues with advertising on Facebook. Can't say when they implemented the payment option, maybe it was a new year gift I'd be tipping you off about below but one thing is next to impossible; using the option on the mobile phone.

Since CBN placed a ban on Naira MasterCard late last year Facebook had been giving non-foreign MasterCard owners problems, and that has stayed so even after it was rumored that the ban has been lifted early this year.

Well ban lift or NOT, PAYU is here for you.

What's PayU?

Simply put PayU is like Interswitch, a payment gateway, who in this case helps you get away with making payments on Facebook for ads with your local MasterCard, even if it had been flagged before by FB, lovely, right?

How TO;
- Goto Facebook Ads Billing Page
-Click add money:

-Choose method as seen in the below screenshot:

-Enter amount

-Confirm details

Accept terms

Upon accepting
A pop up will show,

Choose the card as highlighted and underlined in the below screenshot:

Enter card details and follow subsequent prompts and that's it.

When done, go ahead and place an advert, most likely boosting of a post or page, it will be charged from your Facebook Account Balance which by following the above you have funded with your desired amount.

Good Day Y'all. Have a great remainder of the day.


I know I'm supposed to write something absolute here bla bla bla, but I'm busy designing, all I want to say his, let's grow together, like couples with genuine love or something.... I don't know...

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